Thursday, July 4, 2013

William Green - question for John

John - in your comments on William Green you say that he was listed as a "copper." Do you mean a police officer, or a "cooper"??? (The latter makes more sense but I have to ask.)

Thanks, Lee

1 comment:

  1. Lee - Sorry I just now found your message. I had kind of given up on the blog for lack of any inputs. William and many others in the family were coopers "barrel makers". It has been stated that William learned the trade in Indiana.

    As to your question about my DNA results. My closest match is Dennis Green in Canada. I have not been able to find our exact connection to his line. The family split during the revolution with several members moving into Canada to support the British. That line is well documented but ours not so much.

    I will try to add more to the blog. Hopefully we can generate some interest and other input.


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